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The Saints Are Coming


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: U2乐队 / Jim Henderson / Sean Payton
  • 类型:纪录片
  • 语言: 英语
  • 地区: 美国
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《The Saints Are Coming》相关推荐

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5. 盟军敢死队/ 亨利·卡维尔、艾莎·冈萨雷斯
6. 母亲的直觉/ 安妮·海瑟薇、杰西卡·查斯坦
7. 异星战境/ 詹妮弗·洛佩兹、刘思慕
8. 挑战者/ 赞达亚、乔什·奥康纳
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10. 凶兆前传/ 尼尔·泰格·弗莉、托菲克·巴霍姆
11. 破墓/ 崔岷植、金高银
12. 老狐狸/ 白润音、刘冠廷

《The Saints Are Coming》剧情内容介绍

《The Saints Are Coming》在线观看和下载


The Saints Are Coming

The documentary weaves through the apocalyptic effects of Hurricane Katrina, the Saints' subsequently nomadic 2005 season, the tireless efforts of countless many to salvage both New Orleans and the Superdome, the reorganization of the Saints' coaching hierarchy led by Loomis and Payton, the overhauling of the Saints' roster highlighted by the addition of a wounded Brees, and th...

发布于2016年。由Doug Tatum执导,集众多位U2乐队、Jim Henderson、Sean Payton、Drew Brees等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2016-09-24(美国)公映的电影。


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The Saints Are Coming评论

Schewimmer 2022-01-27

[Made in NOLA] [Rebirth Trilogy] 這世界上沒有哪座城市和她的球隊有這樣深的羈絆。這一切都始於 Sean Payton. ⚜️Thank you, coach.⚜️