Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story在线观看和下载

Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story

Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story(2000)

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《Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story》剧情内容介绍

《Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story》在线观看和下载


Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story原名:Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story,

This documentary opened with the well-known title sequence of Dad's Army, featuring shots of each of the main characters marching along, overlaid with the actor's name. However, added on to the end of the sequence was a similar shot of Victoria Wood, presenter of the documentary, dressed in a World War II soldier's uniform, complete with tin hat and rifle.

发布于2000年。由Gerard Barry执导,并且由编剧维多利亚·伍德携幕后团队创作。集众多位维多利亚·伍德、克莱夫·邓恩、Jack Dee、Frank Williams、温迪·理查德等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2000-05-28公映的电影。


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Don't Panic! The Dad's Army Story评论

Cap.Mainwaring 2014-02-24

They also conducted Dad's Army musical country tour!! Heaven's above, I wish I was there.