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Stephen Fry: 50 Not Out


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Stephen Fry: 50 Not Out

Exploring the career of comedian, actor, director, writer and documentary-maker Stephen Fry as he is about to reach his 50th birthday.  Includes contributions from Hugh Laurie, Emma Thompson, Kenneth Branagh, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Jonathan Ross, Michael Parkinson, Russell Brand and Nigella Lawson. Very strong language.  from *** 4  海報截的是不清晰的*******畫面,將就用吧orz

发布于2007年。集众多位克莱夫·安德森、桑吉夫·巴哈斯卡、肯尼思·布拉纳、乔·布兰德、拉塞尔·布兰德、罗恩尼·柯贝特、理查德·柯蒂斯、艾伦·戴维斯、本·埃尔顿、斯蒂芬·弗雷、菲尔·朱比图、休·劳瑞、妮格拉·罗森、John Lloyd、迈克尔·帕金森、查尔斯三世、乔纳森·罗斯、J. K. 罗琳等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007-08-17(英国)公映的电影。


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Stephen Fry: 50 Not Out评论

Cheeky Monkey 2017-12-16


Kino 2017-01-12

He's a personal treasure. I share him with the nation. We made each other laugh. I just knew that he was the man for me. -Hugh Laurie

RoseTeller 2016-12-24

Smoking, drinking, swearing.and pressing wild flowers!

开花店的诗隽熙 2014-08-22

The one best put by Hugh Laurie: The man's a national treasure. He's a personal treasure too. I share him with the nation.

罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉罗拉 2012-05-02


[已注销] 2012-04-13


Queen Bean 2012-02-16

没有字幕也很欢!最后Hugh说He's a national treasure. He's a personal treasure too. I share him with the nation. 真的瞬间泪飚啊。其他人拍马屁痕迹明显,一到Hugh简直就是再说自家的那样,so proud。

时江 2011-01-30

看到最后hugh的那句"he's ** personal treasure.but i share him with the nation"竟然瞬间落泪了。

花岛仙藏 2010-12-06

He's a national fucking treasure...!haha, by Simon O,O

The 星星 2010-10-28
